Friday, 4 September 2015

There's no shame in being a pariah

Just heard in an episode from The Simpsons
Lisa: I guess we better get used to being pariahs.
Marge: There's no shame in being a pariah.
Marge had better look up the meaning of pariah again.


  1. I know, which is why I'd added the label "humour". It's hilarious in its simplicity. You can really imagine someone uttering Marge's line. It's like the ordinary-sounding yet paradoxical utterance towards the end of this dialogue:

    Grampa Simpson: Am I dead yet?
    Marge Simpson: No.
    Grampa Simpson: How about now?
    Marge Simpson: No.
    Grampa Simpson: Now?
    Marge Simpson: I'll tell you when you're dead, Grampa.
    Grampa Simpson: Thank you.
