Wednesday, 9 December 2015

the verb-particle paradox

I'm working hard on an introduction to a text dealing with the verb-particle paradox. On the one hand, particle verbs such as call up behave like single words. There are lots of very solid arguments for a morphological analysis, so that saying that call up is a verb of the form [V P] makes perfect sense. On the other hand, if they are words, how can we explain that we can split them up and have their parts separated from each other, as in call your mother up, something which you can't do with words?

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor et phone home

A solution may have to be sought in considering call up a stored lexical unit which remains unspecified for its grammatical status as either a word or an above-word-level structure. In its discontinuous form (call ... up), the particle manages to trigger the whole form.

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